Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nothing New

Nothing new ever happens so why do i even try. I am living with my cousin and he is 15, but he is such a pain in the ass. I try to be so nice to him he is cool sometimes but he keeps everything short with me. I have been offering things to him asking him if he wanted to do anything tomorrow because he and i are not going to school tomorrow we have no finals. But he is always doing something with his friends or he just says " what do you want to do? Nothing? cause thats what there is to do." and all I can say is "well we can go for a walk or something and he just says "naw im just going to go to the skatepark." I love him but he's such an ass lol.

On top of everything I just moved up here that is why I am living with him. I had a Bf of 8 months would be a year next month, but we broke up because of long distance. And now I am in a new place way far away from everything that I know and at the end of the year no less which means I barely have yet to make any friends which calls for a BORING ass no magical summer and I'm not going to lie it SUCKS... barely any friends because I justed moved here, no guys, no fun. So Lonely.

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